2022 reading wrap-up
The end of 2022 is near and I can proudly say that it was a good reading year, and I hope 2023 is even richer!
This year I started a bookstagram and I'm so happy to be part of such a lovely community, and I'm hoping to expand it even more by my plans for a Youtube channel once I get over my shyness.
Here I will be sharing the 11 books I read this year, along the reviews I left on Goodreads. Some you have already seen here on my blog, some you haven't; so let's begin!

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
DNF at 52%.
Just like everyone else, I was excited for some vampire-forbidden-love type of trope. But how come I’m on page 233 of a vampire book and I there’s not a single hint about the existence of vampires?
I can handle slow plots, but the constant overthinking from Celine and her dArK SEcReT had me annoyed to the max.
Anyways, the plot felt really slow and painfully uneventful.
It really wasn’t for me 💔.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
My second CoHo book.
Although it didn't make me cry as people told me I would, I can't deny this book was so beautifully written. And don't even get me started on Cap; he was the best character. His back must be hurting from carrying this entire book.
"... Seems in my past life, I was shot right in the ass. Must have bled out."

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
It's a 3.5 to me
Although it didn't blow me away, I had a lot of awww moments. These were my favorite quotes:
"You are so pretty one of these days I'm going to lose a finger in my garage because I can't concentrate with you so close to me. You are so pretty that I wish you weren't so I wouldn't want to hit every guy at school who looks at you, especially my best friend."
She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
(Basic, I know. But I would cry forever if someone ever said this to me.)
"Just so you know," he mimics me,"I would chop that table up and use it for firewood before I would ever choose anything over you."
If you read this book, you'd know these quotes are from after the half of the book. Because honestly? The book was uneventful until it picked up around 25-30%. I may have gotten a bit emotional at the end, but only because it shows how much Drew cares about Nastya; I thought it was wholesome. But besides that, I barely felt anything.
My conclusion is: I think it's a good plot, but in the beginning, it was really slow and uneventful. I was bored during most of it. But it wasn't a bad read.
I think I have mixed feelings about it, lol.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Okay... it gave. And that plot twist managed to get a gasp from me.
A friend recommended me this book, and she was right; it was actually good. I enjoyed it because from the beginning it was a page-turner and as a slow reader, I'm proud of myself because I finished it in a span of 3 days, lol.
Also... am I the only one who wasn't a fan of Cadence and Gat's romance? Ever since Cady saw him sending the letter to Raquel, I stopped liking him. >:((
Another thing: Johnny was my favorite character, he was so hilarious.
"Can't we talk about sex or murder?"
"Never eat anything bigger than your ass."

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
If she was destined to burn in Hell, I would burn with her.
This book was a big slay and my first step into falling in love with YA fantasy. Also, Lou was such an amazing character; and sometimes I found myself relating to her personality. She was just as lovely as Coco. And don't get me even started with Ansel, I didn't expect myself to adore him completely.
And Reid... I fucking love him .
I have to admit that, just like many others, I was confused in the beginning but as I kept reading I was able to catch on. I'm a very slow reader, and I almost fell into a reading slump; but as soon as Reid and Lou married, the book immediately turned into a page turner for me.
A witch and witch hunter bound in holy matrimony. There was only one way such story could end--a stake and a match.
I found their dynamic to be so hilarious and wholesome; you can bet I squealed like a 14-year-old when he finally calls her "My little heathen". I passed away.
Anyways... I'm excited to run to my nearest bookstore and get my hands on Blood & Honey; I hope to enjoy it as much as I did this one! <3 br="">
p.s: Reid finally cursing was one of my most favorite things.
"Why the fuck is everyone in this kingdom trying to murder my wife?

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
DNF at 67%.
I really, REALLY wanted to love this book because I thought I would, since I totally fell in love with the Hush Hush saga. Unfortunately, however, this felt like a bad copy-paste. Nora Gray and Bella Swan had more personality than Luce; and Daniel was boring, lol. I was rooting for Cam, mostly.
I'm sure 13-15 year old me would've loved it, though.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Thierry's hand came down on my shoulder. You see magic as a weapon, Reid, but you're wrong. It simply. . . is. If you wish to use it for harm, it harms, and if you use it to save... Together, we looked to Toulouse, who tucked a flower behind the woman's ear. She beamed at him before rejoining the crowd. It saves.
Although I enjoyed watching Reid improving his relationship with magic, it makes me sad to say this one didn't really feel memorable to me. I'm hopeful, though! Because I'm assuming this isn't just a filler book, but a [slight slowly painful] buildup to the next one, which I've heard people say it's really good.
Overall, it gave me Harry Potter and the Order of the Phenix vibes; you know, where nothing really happens because it's just the characters getting ready to face the shit that's about to go downhill and the only way it gets "interesting" is because someone dies?
Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

I look forward to Gods & Monsters ! I have a feeling it'll be better <3 br="">

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Before I go on to explain why I have a love-hate relationship with this book, I'd like to point out that Archer Hale just became one of my favorite book boyfriends; he was so precious.
... I was going to give it a try. For Bree. Only for Bree. Because I thought that would make her happy. And I'd do anything to make Bree happy.
Archer and Bree's story was so beautifully developed, and this is the first time I read a book where the love interest is a mute. That's what I loved.
But what annoyed me to shit were the sex scenes after really deep, emotional moments between Archer and Bree; they had me rolling my eyes.
I'm sorry... but I don't think I could ever feel aroused after trauma-bonding over how I watched my father die.

I really wanted to love this book as much as my favorite BookTuber and the reviews here said I would. Other than Archer keeping my standards in check, I barely felt anything.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Men had a funny way of blaming the devil for things he didn't like. It was strange that we were called evil when humans were the ones who enjoyed watching us burn.
I was immediately sold when I read the words "witches" and "princes of Hell", and I am so happy that know this book exceeded my expectations. Kerri's writing captivated me, honestly. I never felt bored.
I was hoping we got to meet all the princes of Hell in this book, but that's okay, because it makes me more excited to meet the others in the next one :). Speaking of princes, I'm in love with Wrath (although i'm kinda mad at him rn). I seriously can't wait to read more about him and Emilia in Kingdom of the Cursed <3 br="">This story managed a few gasps out of me, and just for that I give it a 4.5; definitely worth a read.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have never found so much comfort in a book, this is all I wanted. This is the happy ending Lily and Atlas deserved and–... I'm truly at loss for words.
Atlas Corrigan is the best book boyfriend I'll ever know and I'm sure of it.
I'm definitely not sobbing while I'm writing this btw.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Already half-way through the book I knew this was going to be a 5-star read. I just KNOW the grip this series is gonna have on me as I keep reading through the other books.
Tamlin had won my heart but as soon as Rhysand was introduced I immediately folded.
I can't wait to turn this series into my new personality and talk people's ears off about it, because I've been loving it since the very first chapter. Also, I know I'm not the only one who got reminded of Beauty and the Beast; which made me love it even more.
I wish more than ever to get taken away to a faerie continent where all I get to do is paint and read, shm.
And that's all for 2022! Honestly, I'm predicting that I will be leaning more into Fantasy and Paranormal Romance in 2023 and I'm all for it.
What book can't you wait to read in 2023? I'm SO excited to read the first book of the Crescent City Series by Sarah J. Maas and take the challenge of reading 800 pages.
Follow me on Goodreads and keep me company throughout my emotional rollercoasters! <3
So many good books! What a wonderful year of reading.